The Withywindle Nature Blog nature Boskone 45, Update 1

Boskone 45, Update 1

Friday, 2/15/08

So we’re here at Boskone, and I’m thrilled to note that although we’ve only got one table, we’re on a corner at the front of the room, so two of our book shelves are in front display. We’ve already done more business on the first evening of the con than at Readercon, so I’m please so far. The dealer’s room is bigger and easier to move around, and as a result books are easier to browse. And of course I was in the back of the room at Readercon, and I’m sure that makes a difference. I’ll take some pictures either later tonight or tomorrow and will try to post them tomorrow night. No internet access in the dealers room. Poo. Have to go upstairs to the lobby to connect (but it’s free, so that’s something). I like the mix of vendors here; lots of booksellers, but also jewelry makers, and a t-shirt/sculpture re-seller that I remember from last year.

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