I Suck at Blogging

Yup, I admit it. I suck at blogging. I’ll do really well for a while, but throw the slightest wrench into my personal or professional life and the blog goes out the window. It’s not that I don’t enjoy it, or think it’s worth the effort – quite the opposite. But two factors come into play when I get busy:

1. I think that my blogs have to have amazing content all the time & be as relevant as possible to the store (not a bad idea); if I can’t meet those two requirements, I freeze, get (easily) distracted or occupied with something else and… there goes the blog.

2. As already mentioned above, I’m easily distracted so when other parts of my life take over (new job, money troubles, etc.) I’ll go days and even weeks without thinking about the blog. Then I start feeling guilty (because that’s what I do) and can’t bring myself to face blogging and the whole thing spirals out of control. I think what I’m trying to say is I need a support group for bloggers. Know of any?

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