The Withywindle Nature Blog Insects/Spiders,natural history,wildlife Nature’s Unveiling – Spring Arrives in New England

Nature’s Unveiling – Spring Arrives in New England

The robins are back, the modos (mourning doves) and titmice are calling and I’ve even seen the first green shoots from our irises and crocuses. But I wasn’t ready to declare our weird winter over until today. One of my definite harbingers of spring has made an appearance: the mourning cloak (Nymphalis antiopa).

This distinctive butterfly is usually the first seen here in Massachusetts, and this year is no exception. I was walking up the back driveway to our center and saw one flittering around my head. It landed briefly, but I wasn’t quick enough to get a photo.

*Deep sigh*…. I’m finally ready to welcome spring. Earlier than I expected? Definitely, but given our warm winter, I can’t say as I’m surprised that we’d be seeing signs of spring well before Ostara.

6 thoughts on “Nature’s Unveiling – Spring Arrives in New England”

    1. Thank you, but the photo isn’t mine – credits are at the end of the post. It is a beautiful butterfly; I love finding them in early spring.

  1. That is a beautiful butterfly that I see here in WNY…I haven’t seen any butterflies, but have found a lot of insect life in the milkweed patch like grasshoppers. I hope the monarchs don’t get here before the milkweed or that as you said we have a cold spring because we have had snow in May before…Michelle

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