The Withywindle Nature Blog simplifying Weekend Downsizing Review

Weekend Downsizing Review

My downsizing efforts this weekend went very well, if slower than hoped. I went through our entire library and moved on about 6 boxes of books.  The good news is that many titles (about 1/3 of the total volumes) were a good fit with Withywindle Books and will be showing up there soon as new arrivals (the rest will get sold to a nearby bookseller with a physical shop). I was able to get rid of one tall bookshelf in our library/TV room, giving us better space and a less claustrophobic feeling in there.  Always a bonus. 

We were able to sell the headboard and foot board (and give away the bookshelf), and I even found a few minutes to go through our kitchen cabinets and do a preliminary clearing out (we still need to do way more in there). Unfortunately I ran out of time to go through the clothing to try to get rid of the dresser, so that will have to wait for another weekend (hopefully next!).

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