The Withywindle Nature Blog weird Why I Love Weirdbook

Why I Love Weirdbook

Weirdbook 16

I’m pleased to say that Withywindle Books is now a distributor of Weirdbook! If you’re not familiar with it, Weirdbook was a publication that for several decades (the issues we carry start in 1978 and go through 1995) produced dark fantasy, horror and weird fiction short stories, poetry and art by such authors and artists as Brian Lumley, Richard L. Tierney, Darrell Schweitzer, Joe R. Lansdale, Allen Koszowski, Robert E. Howard, Stephen Fabian and more. If we don’t have a particular issue in stock that you’re looking for, drop us line and we’ll order one for you.

Weirdbook to me is the epitome of what I love about dark and weird fiction.  It has an air to it – slightly off, slightly creepy, and really great (if you like dark and creepy).  Many well known authors had work published there including Stephen King, and some of the artwork is not to be missed.  You can find our in-stock titles here, or by searching for ‘Weirdbook’ under the title search at the bookstore.

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