The Withywindle Nature Blog book reviews What I’m Reading… A Short Review of Eragon and Eldest by Christopher Paolini

What I’m Reading… A Short Review of Eragon and Eldest by Christopher Paolini

I had the opportunity recently to start reading Eragon by Christopher Paolini, admittedly with some skepticism. A good friend of mine didn’t get far with her attempt (and I highly value her literary opinion), and I wondered how much a book written by a 15 or 16 year-old would appeal to me. Still, I gave it a go as I love fantasy (and I know it got good reviews) and wow, am I glad I did. I’m now reading the second book Eldest, and find myself with these books in hand anytime I have even a few spare minutes – it’s been a while since I’ve been this attached to a book (or books, in this case).

I’ll say this right off for anyone who hasn’t read these books yet, but is considering giving them a try: there’s nothing new here. All the themes Paolini writes about have been done before (sometimes too often, and not very well): a young farm boy who finds his destiny to be greater than he could have ever imagined; the dragons and dragon riders whom our hero finds himself amongst; inter-species struggles between elves, dwarves and humans (and although the evil creatures created are a bit more original they’re still a variation on a theme); and an epic struggle between good and evil.

All that said, these are fun, well-written books that have kept me engaged since picking them up. Vivid characters (including the amazing Saphiria – Eragon’s dragon) and a well-defined world drew me in quickly, and as the stories unwind and plots thicken, haven’t let me down. If you enjoy fantasy – Tolkien, Rowling, Le Guin, Donaldson, Anthony, et. al., and aren’t looking for a real heavy read, you’ll enjoy Christopher Paolini’s first two novels in the Inheritance series – I highly recommend them.

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