Rock Dove Kill Site

I came across this kill site last winter in the woods behind our house:

Kill site 2

Kill site 1


Raptor kill sites are easily identifiable by the large pile of feathers found mainly under a tree or branch, indicating that the predator sat above while it consumed its meal.

I brought some of the more intact feathers home with me to see if I could identify what the prey was:

Feathers from kill site

Based on color and size, rock dove (Columba livia) is what I came up with as the most likely species. We certainly have plenty of them around – the patch of woods I wander has development nearby, including a shopping plaza just across the main road north of the property line.

As for the predator, we have a number of nesting raptors in the area. Rock doves aren’t terribly small so it’s likely a larger bird – red-tailed hawk perhaps, or broad-wing.

Have you ever come across a large pile of feathers (or fur) outdoors?  Were you able to tell what type of bird or animal got eaten?  Tell us about it in the comments below!

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