The Withywindle Nature Blog nature,Outdoors Seasonal Observations and Journaling

Seasonal Observations and Journaling

More seasonal writing from my journal…


Photo courtesy of PhotoDropper

Photo courtesy of PhotoDropper

Nearly Summer
6/7/14 Waxing moon

11:50 pm
My insomnia has me awake, so I am killing time in my office while I wait for my sleep meds to kick in. A cricket started chirruping outside my window just now, and the sound flooded my heart with joy. That sound means summer is (almost) here and we’ll continue to hear the cricket’s song for months to come. It means that the cold that just wouldn’t go away long after winter’s end – is really and truly gone.

There’s a freedom in that sound as well. The freedom of long days filled with warm weather to coax me out of the house to play and wander outside – so many places to go! And no cold or snow to hamper my enthusiasm for heading out.


Waiting for the Storm
7/3/14 Waxing Moon

9:15 pm
I’m sitting in the kitchen watching the approach of what promises to be a significant thunderstorm. Both boys are in bed, Thorin is pacing about and Obo is gone to the store to pick up food for tomorrow’s 4th of July gathering. The lightening is already frequent.

9:30 pm
Radar shows the storm almost on top of us, but I’m no longer hearing thunder and we’ve had no rain yet. Obo is back home but in another room, and it’s quiet here in the kitchen. I love this room at the end of the day, lit only by the light above the sink. The doors and windows are open and I’m listening to the crickets and watching fireflies wink on and off as lightening flashes overhead. I love summer. I don’t know if the work I’m doing in coven has me more open to the seasonal changes this year, or if it’s just deep appreciation after the crazy-long winter we had. But this year I’ve found myself really taking in the season much more intensely – as if I’m afraid that if I don’t pay attention, it will slip by and be gone before I know it. Which it probably will.

And how blessed am I that my life is such right now that I can stop everything else and just sit and watch a thunderstorm….


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