The Withywindle Nature Blog nature Findings from a 10-Minute Nature Break

Findings from a 10-Minute Nature Break

I’m still relatively new to the world of smart phones; I’ve had mine for just about 6 months now, and I’m still discovering all the ways it’s seeping into my life.

I needed a break from my computer yesterday, and went outside for a short nature break. I brought my phone with me (more out of habit than anything else), and was pleased to remember that I could photograph my findings. Here’s the unedited results (do note that it’s my husband, not I, who is the nature photographer. I just use photography to keep records of the stuff I find).

I hung out with a cricket for a while, admiring his amazing legs:

and then wondered what the club moss I was sitting on would look like from that cricket’s perspective and tried to get a forest-sized view of said club moss; I failed, and had to settle with this:

And on my walk back to the office discovered a pile of deer pellets:


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